Archive for January, 2008


Posted: January 30, 2008 in friends

My friend TQ has a new CD dropping at the end of February. Check out his website and the three free downloads. I’ve learned one of the songs myself and have been playing it around the house.


Since the writer’s strike has left TV is a meaningless abyss of Reality TV, we’ve been following the presidential primary season on MSNBC (we like Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Willie Giest and Mika Brezenzki). This morning a reporter said that some people in Super Tuesday states were just now starting to pay attention to the campaign. I wonder: How can that be? Elections are too important to begin tuning in seven days before you go to the polls. Have you figured out who you’re supporting yet?

Here’s a good article by Gordon MacDonald about pastoral leaders vocalizing their views on politics.


I’ve been coveting a Blackberry lately. Pray for me.

So now it begins…

Posted: January 28, 2008 in change, family, fatherhood, home, Malia, Rochelle

Well, here we go!

My oldest daughter, Malia, went to her first dance class last Wednesday night. For months now she’s been telling us that she wanted to go to “ballerina school.” It’s her mother’s fault because each Christmas the two of them attend The Nutcracker (a tradition that was born out of my deep desire to not have to see it myself).

Since Malia wanted it so badly, we decided to pursue it, and she’s four now so this is a good time to start. I wasn’t able to make it, but Malia loved her trial class. Rochelle sat in another room, behind glass with other parents and learned about their experiences while watching a recital video another mother had taken on her cell phone.

They both left dance class excited!

So excited in fact, that Rochelle went ahead and paid for classes through May — when we’ll get to video our child.

So now it begins. Soon Malia will need tutu’s and ballet shoes and tap shoes and God knows what else — and by “soon” I mean this Wednesday. I almost bankrupted my parents with baseball and band while growing up, and those things are a lot cheaper than ballet and tap! Soon there will be leg warmers and tights and those huge sweatshirts that dancers wear.

And that fact makes me both excited for Malia and said for myself.

Part of me wants her to just stay home with us playing with Play-Doh and Crayons? Not just because it’s cheaper, but because it’s something she can do at home with me sitting next to her or her sitting in my lap. I’m just that kind of dad who loves to sit in the “big chair” and read stories and tell tales. But times are changing, my girls are growing up and their interest are extending beyond our house and I know I should encourage that.

As our Lord says, “Who among you, if your child ask for bread would give a stone?”

So now it begins, and I’m off to buy ballet shoes.

Monday night, my wife, oldest daughter and I sat down and watched a short clip of the most powerful speech in American history. How I wish there were people who carried the moral force of Martin Luther King, Jr. today. However, we are mighty short on prophets. This man’s words and commitment to non-violent social action changed the world.

Just don’t tell Hillary Clinton that. 🙂

MacBook Paper!

Posted: January 22, 2008 in Apple computers

I’m a Mac guy, but I’m still not sold on the new MacBook Air. I mean, if I’m gonna spend that much, why wouldn’t I buy a MacBook Pro? Anyway, here a cute video!

Rear-Ended (Again)

Posted: January 15, 2008 in Everything

Sunday afternoon my car was rear-ended for the third time in the past two months. Actually, it was only the second time I’d been hit, but the third for the family — Rochelle was hit driving my car about two months ago. Rochelle’s accident was the worse, requiring the hospitalization of my car for 4 days while the bumper and trunk were being fixed.

No sooner did I get my car back than another car hit me as I pulled out of the parking lot of Rochelle’s uncle’s jewelry store. The jewelry store incident was no big deal, so the other driver and me exchanged info and left, which was good since I was anxious to get my brother and sister-in-law to the airport.

This Sunday was different, though.

The woman who hit me tried to act indignant that I was hit. How dare I be stopped at a red light! When I went to collect her information, instead of letting me see her I.D. she simply wrote it down for me, including her phone number. I went back to my car and called the number only to find out that the number was disconnected. I returned to the car, she gave me yet another number. As I walked away she got out of her car and began raging about how she saw “no visible damage.”

I bet she didn’t see it!

It wasn’t in her interest to see “visible damage.”

I found out shortly thereafter that she had no insurance. At this I bristled! (It might help you to know that one of my great pet-peeves is the fact that I have to carry “Uninsured Motorists” insurance on my cars. I hate the fact that I have to pay for my insurance AND their’s.) Plus, she had lied to me about her phone number. (Next to “Unisured Motorists,” I detest being lied to.)

So I called the police. And she was livid. She yelled at me about not having very much money and so on. It was not one of my finest moments, because I could not have cared less about how much money she had! I was mad!

Her husband showed up, complete with camera phone to show that the car had no “visible damage.” In the process I learned that the woman had no driver’s license. Just her passport.

I was fuming!

And now I realize why.

If the woman had insurance, which she should have had, and not given me a fake number (And it turns out the second number she gave me was a fake too. She got a little more honest when the cops arrived.) I would have likely let it go. But once you lie to someone about something really important, you simply cannot be trusted. I had explained to the woman that my infant daughter was inside the car and there was no way that I was leaving without credible information in case we discovered something later. Plus, damage is not always visible — when Rochelle was hit, her back hurt for a couple of weeks requiring a trip to the doctor’s office. Sometimes stuff is real, but not evident.

This woman so easily lied to me that it’s scary! It’s as though we live in a society without conscience; we don’t care at all about the consequences of our actions. And the fact that she immediately felt that my calling the police was some kind of punishment for her rather than a safety-net for me and my family demonstrates that we have come to expect that everyone is out to get us and honesty is the quickest way to be taken advantage of.

I’m not immune. I often feel the same way, as if the world is set up to be punitive and you have to angle, connive, fool, lie and trick your way into safety, wholeness and protection.

As I look back on the event, it makes me sad. It makes me sad that we live in a world were we feel that we cannot trust other people to do the right thing. And the truth is that that feeling may be accurate. But for me, I want to believe that people will do the right thing most of the time, no matter how many times I get rear-ended.

10 Years Ago Today

Posted: January 10, 2008 in family, home, Rochelle

10 years ago today, Rochelle and I were married in Salado, TX. I would post a picture  for you all to see, but Rochelle and I have decided that we’re both much better looking now than then.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years. They’ve flown by. Of course, we’ve had our ups and downs, but we’ve done more than just make it 10 years; we’ve thoroughly ENJOYED ten years.

Rochelle is the greatest blessing in my life. I’m so grateful for her, and couldn’t breath without her presence in my life.

Thanks, Ro, for 10 incredible years.