The Non-Writing Life

Posted: November 18, 2008 in church, family, home, life, prayer, preaching, speaking

I’m not dead!! If you were beginning to worry where I’ve been, I want you to know that the Grim Reaper hasn’t yet caught up to me. I’m still alive and kicking. The reason for my blogosphere absence is because (1) I haven’t had time recently to post, (2) I haven’t had anything to post, and (3) I think Baldwin’s “My Dungeon Shook” is so powerful that I wanted people who haven’t read it to get a chance to — folks typically only read the top post. I know the essay/letter is long, but if you haven’t read it, you should.


While I’ve been away, my wife, Rochelle, and I have spent a lot of time talking and trying to discern where God is leading our family. For a while now we’ve been feeling the pull to expand what we do, and now we feel both pulled and pushed. Therefore, we ask that you join us in prayer about the move of God and the Palmer family.


I’ve been talking with a wonderful literary agent about writing a book shaped around the idea of the radical reconciliation preached and proclaimed by both Jesus and Paul. What do you guys think? Is it worth my waking at 4:00 a.m. for 6-12 months to hammer that out? If so, what areas of reconciliation should we explore? Here’s my beginning list: Race, gender, religions, and race again. What would you add? E-mail me or leave a comment.


This past weekend I was out speaking at the Redwood Church in Redwood City, CA. They are a wonderful congregation, geared to loving and serving their neighbors. If you’re ever in that part of the country stop by and visit them. And tell them Sean sent you by.

  1. rd says:

    I would add “nationalism” to your list of things we’re reconciled from/above. Acts 2 is a great testimony to this, The Samaritan woman, and various bits of the Acts story. Can’t wait to read this thing!

  2. thepriesthood says:

    similar to above, i would add political reconciliation, as Jesus joins in community a zealot and a tax collector, and Paul does all kinds of crazy stuff joingin Jews and Romans in community…

  3. Stevie says:

    I recently read the whole of The Fire Next Time for English and found it to be an exceptional literary work. I chose it for my final essay as well, and was curious if anyone knew the author or the poem excerpt “…My dungeon shook…” or was this written by Baldwin himself? My confusion stems from the quotes as were it his he would not need to quote himself as he cannot plagerize his own work anyway, but all the search for those words brings up is Part I of The Fire Next Time. If anyone who reads this happens to know, please tell me.

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